Where passion meets purpose

Liza Seitz, the founder of Banduri Holistics, is a functional nutrition counselor and a board-certified Holistic health practitioner. Having over a decade of experience, she continues researching to expand her knowledge in functional and holistic healing.

Our Mission

To empower clients to take control of their health journeys, utilizing alternative medicine and a holistic health approach to guide them to sustainable mental, physical, and spiritual wellness.

Our Mission

To empower clients to take control of their health journeys, utilizing alternative medicine and a holistic health approach to guide them to sustainable mental, physical, and spiritual wellness.

Feeling Chronically Tired Or Like Your Body Is Fighting You?

Navigating chronic health conditions can often cause us to feel isolated, overwhelmed, and constantly seeking solutions. It is important to understand “Your” body is not working against you. It is constantly working to heal and keep you going. But it can be difficult to find clarity and direction when you don’t have a practitioner who listens and understands your situation. Some individuals receive a clear diagnosis, while others are left to wonder what is going on.  It is important to break down the WHY and listen to our symptoms. What is your body trying to tell you?e

“I know something is wrong and no one is listening to Me”

With our holistic approach to wellness, you can reclaim your power and take charge of your wellness journey, making informed healthcare decisions. We believe that everybody has the right to access non-allopathic healing modalities and be treated with compassion rather than suppression. Thus, we support bodies as a whole instead of solely treating the symptoms to promote long-term health and wellness.

It’s time to start feeling better again. Work with a board-certified holistic health practitioner and certified functional nutrition counselor to take back control of your wellness journey.

What I Offer For Good Health?

Positive Lifestyle

Holistic Approach

Nutrition Plan

Positive Lifestyle

Holistic Approach

Nutrition Plan

The Banduri Promise


We strive to provide compassionate care to our clients, understanding that health and wellness are deeply personal and emotional matter.


We aim to empower our clients with the knowledge and tools they need to take control of their health and wellness journey, making informed decisions about their care.


We seek to bring clarity to the often overwhelming and uncertain world of healthcare, providing clear and concise support to process options and pathways to healing.

The Banduri Promise


We strive to provide compassionate care to our clients, understanding that health and wellness are deeply personal and emotional matter.


We aim to empower our clients with the knowledge and tools they need to take control of their health and wellness journey, making informed decisions about their care.


We seek to bring clarity to the often overwhelming and uncertain world of healthcare, providing clear and concise support to process options and pathways to healing.

What People Are Saying

"When working with Liza I had the biggest advocate for me and my health but also someone to lean on who understands and supported me around the clock! My experience with Liza has opened my eyes to so many opportunities to support my health! She is so supportive and I don’t know where I would be without her!"
- Jannelle J.
"Finally, someone listened and understood me. I’ve never experienced a program that is so focused and aware of my individual needs. I have learned so much and feel so much more confident in walking my health journey. I strongly recommend it!"
- Clara P.
" I’ve always had difficulties in losing weight and though that if I did lose weight, I would become healthier. I have learned if I focus on healing my body eventually the weight will shed off. With Banduri Holistics knowledge and encouragement, I’m making better food choices and adding daily regiments in order to reach my goal of decreasing the need for medication in my life. These daily choices are not a diet but a healthy lifestyle. Banduri has not only been there for my health concerns but also for me mentally helping me break down my anxiety and stress level. I’m truly blessed that our paths have crossed."
- Judith L.

Positive Lifestyle

Making the decision to invest in healthy lifestyle changes is more than just flipping a switch. Sustainable lifestyle change is a process that takes time, dedication, and patience. Psychologists have found it can take an average of 66 days for a new habit to become automatic. But the truth of the matter is the ability to facilitate and maintain lifestyle changes is highly dependent on each individual. It is important to give yourself grace as you find the rhythm that works for you.

When we choose a holistic path, we are choosing to be intentional with our life, to reclaim a self-awareness and mindfulness with how we move forward to find healing. It allows us to take self-inventory to understand our needs and embrace our most authentic self. Sometimes it can be so easy to forget to check in with ourselves when we are stuck in the fast-paced lifestyle.

So much of society’s message we hear day to day keep us constantly seeking productivity regardless of the cost it requires from our mind, body, or soul.  But prolonged periods of stress have been shown to impair our Nervous System’s ability to function. If the Nervous System is the command system of our body’s communication, then its ability to function properly is extremely important.

 At Banduri Holistics we understand change can be a challenging path to walk, especially when we feel overwhelmed, sick, and alone. Our mission is to teach you how to better understand the communication of your body. We provide a safe environment for you to process any trauma, mental blockages, or spiritual wounds that may be physically affecting your body’s capacity to heal and operate.

For healing to be lasting, it must take place on all levels. Our coaching services guide clients toward optimal health by giving them skills and resources to support their growth. This approach differs from typical personal development approaches, focusing on more than just your mentality. Through this, you can enhance how your emotions, intuition, and physiology function – intentionally and subconsciously.

Holistic Approach

Why is a Holistic approach so important?

In society today people are living longer but they are also continually experiencing high levels of stress and fatigue, consuming nutrient depleted foods, and being exposed to hundreds of potentially harmful chemicals on a daily basis. This is why when we think of healing it needs to encompass all aspects of who we are and how life is affecting us.

The word holistic originates from the Greek word holos, which means “whole”.

With a Holistic approach there is an understanding that one systems functionality is dependent on the body’s ability to function as a whole. Conventional medicine has a tendency to separate a patient into fragments and specialities. Unfortunately, when we only treat fragments of a person and only symptoms of an illness crucial pieces of the picture will be missed. Looking through the holistic lens we see that a downstream symptom is the result of an upstream dysfunction.

When you come to us with a problem, we pull it apart in order to identify its roots. The Complete Health History Assessment discusses strategies and resources that will guide you toward well-being.

We will do research and develop a detailed picture of your unique health concerns. The Complete Health Assessment will provide you with the knowledge you need to make wise decisions about your health and well-being.

Nutrition Plan

The science behind this is that our food dictates our cellular activity and it becomes the framework of our biology. This means that the nutrients you eat eventually become the materials that make up your cells, tissues, and organs. So if healthy food is fuel for our cells, then the opposite can also be true that unhealthy foods can damage our cells. When cells become damaged over time it can cause dysfunction in cell division. Without proper cell division our organ systems can deteriorate and cellular aging can be accelerated.

Over the last century, the medical community’s understanding of dietary science and the role of nutrition in the development of chronic diseases has grown dramatically. But still each year more then a million Americans die from diet-related diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain forms of cancer. It is clear the role our nutrition plays in the prevention and management of chronic illness is substantial.

However, a nutrition plan is only effective if we take the time to understand the body’s ability to process and function. One individuals’ success with a nutrition plan does not guarantee another’s. So, we must take into account multiple variables when addressing a clients health concerns like environment, genetics, and lifestyle.

We will develop a personalized road map on how to best help you and your unique bio-individual journey to healing after conducting detailed research and getting a sense of where you’re at. The outcomes and suggestions of the Health History Assessment are taken into account while creating each personalized action plan.

The best approach to get started on your path to living a healthy lifestyle and beginning to feel better from the inside out is with one of our personalized nutrition plans.