Our Services

Your Journey to Finally Feeling Better Begins Here

Healing looks different for every person, especially those with chronic illness and autoimmune disease. What works for your neighbor won’t necessarily work for you, and that’s okay. This is why each assessment, action plan, and coaching program provided is customized to fit the unique symptoms, needs, and lifestyle choices of our clients. It
all starts with a Comprehensive Health History Assessment.

Comprehensive Health History Assessment

When a problem is present, we need to pull it apart, understand the roots, and understand the why. The Comprehensive Health History Assessment goes over resources and tools that will help you navigate your wellness journey. During this process, We will research and develop a detailed picture of your individual health concerns. Knowledge is power, and the Comprehensive Health Assessment will enable you to make informed decisions about your health and well-being.

Comprehensive Health Assessment includes:

An in-depth session where we analyze health history, symptomology, and more. Mapping out health concerns and the path we walk moving forward.

Customized Nutrition Action Plan

After researching and understanding where you’re at, we can create a customized roadmap on how to best support you and your own bio-individual path to healing. Each action plan is completely customized to the results and recommendations of the Health History Assessment. Our customized nutrition plans are the best way to kickstart your journey to following a healthy lifestyle and start feeling better from the inside.

The Nutritional Action Plan includes:

Nutritional modification recommendations, supplement and herbal education, and holistic resource support.

Lifestyle and Behavior Modification Coaching

Change can be a challenging path to walk with no support, especially when we are feeling stuck, sick, and alone. Our goal is to teach you how to better understand the communication of your body. Giving you a space to work through any trauma, mental blockages, or spiritual wounds that have a physical effect on your body’s ability to heal and function. Healing must occur on all levels to be sustainable. Our coaching services support and guide clients on their journey to optimal health by providing resources and tools to help them grow. This method is different from most personal development because it doesn’t just concentrate on your mindset. You can improve how well your emotions, intuition, and physiology function – both consciously and unconsciously.

Find Your Path to Holistic Wellness. Find Your Way to Feeling Better.

Schedule an appointment today to get started with a Comprehensive Health History Assessment.